Monday, May 19, 2014

of nzsql, nzload and nz_migrate

Many times I have to run data refresh between Production to Development to unload and load data for testing,development SIT and UAT.  There are two methods which I used.  First option is nzsql and nzload.  Second is nz_migrate which is the easiest and most flexible.

nzsql -u <USERNAME> -pw <PASSWORD> -d <DATABASE> -host <HOSTNAME> -A -t -F{ -f <SQL_FILE>.sql -o <SQL_OUTPUT>.dat

-A - Unaligned table output mode (-P format=unaligned)
-t - Print rows only (-P tuples_only)
-F - delimiter

nzload -host <HOSTNAME> -db <DATABASE> -u <USERNAME> -pw <PASSWORD> -t <TABLE_NAME> -df <SQL_OUTPUT>.dat -delim "{" -dateDelim "-" -dateStyle "YMD" -nullValue ''

The command can be run either from source or target host.  Make sure the parameter value is correct.  Otherwise, you will be overwriting your Production source.

nz_migrate -shost <SOURCE_HOST> -thost <TARGET_HOST>
-stable <SOURCE_TABLE>
-ttable <TARGET_TABLE>
-CreateTargetTable y -TruncateTargetTable n CreateTargetDatabase n -threads 4

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