Sunday, November 16, 2014

Finding table with Max SPU disk

Often time, when you issue a nz_storage_stats command or from nzadmin GUI under NPS, you noticed the following info

 Minimun | Average | Maximum
 42.591  | 43.241  | 49.801

You can get the output above from the query below:

                TO_CHAR ( min_disk_usage , 'FM999,999,999,990.000' ),
                TO_CHAR ( avg_disk_usage , 'FM999,999,999,990.000' ),
                TO_CHAR ( max_disk_usage , 'FM999,999,999,990.000' )
               100 * MIN ( sds_used::numeric(38,10) / (_v_spudevicestate.sds_size::bigint * (1024^2))  ) AS min_disk_usage,
               100 * AVG ( sds_used::numeric(38,10) / (_v_spudevicestate.sds_size::bigint * (1024^2))  ) AS avg_disk_usage,
               100 * MAX ( sds_used::numeric(38,10) / (_v_spudevicestate.sds_size::bigint * (1024^2))  ) AS max_disk_usage
       FROM    _v_dslice
               left outer join _v_spudevicestate on
               ( _v_dslice.ds_prihwid  = _v_spudevicestate.sds_hwid AND
                 _v_dslice.ds_priptid  = _v_spudevicestate.sds_device )
        AS the_subselect;

When, you have this info, how do you find out which table having this Max SPU disk usage.  Below you can determine the table name for the Max data slice.

GetMaxDSlice (DS_ID, DS_PCT, ROW_NUM) as
(select ds.ds_id as DS_ID,
(((sp.EXTENTS_USED * 3)/(sp.EXTENT_COUNT * 3)::float)*100)::numeric(10,2) as DS_PCT,
row_number () over (order by (((sp.EXTENTS_USED * 3)/(sp.EXTENT_COUNT * 3)::float)*100)::numeric(10,2) desc ) as Row_Num
FROM _v_dslice ds  LEFT OUTER JOIN _v_spudevicemap prm on (ds.ds_prihwid = prm.sdm_spuhwid AND ds.ds_priptid = prm.sdm_spudevice AND prm.sdm_role = 0)  LEFT OUTER JOIN _v_spudevicemap mir on (ds.ds_prihwid = mir.sdm_spuhwid AND ds.ds_priptid = mir.sdm_spudevice AND mir.sdm_role = 1)  LEFT OUTER JOIN _v_hwcomp hwp on (prm.sdm_sdhwid = hwp.hw_hwid)  LEFT OUTER JOIN _v_hwcomp hwm on (mir.sdm_sdhwid = hwm.hw_hwid)  LEFT OUTER JOIN _vt_disk_partition sp on (ds.ds_prihwid = sp.HWID AND ds.ds_priptid = sp.DEVICE AND sp.PART_NAME='PART_A')
GetTableId (TBL_ID, DS_ID, Row_Num) as
 tblid as TBL_ID,
 dsid as DS_ID,
 row_number () over (order by used_bytes desc) as row_num
 from _vt_spu_table_info
GetTableName (Table_Name, Obj_Id) as
 objname as Table_Name, objid as Obj_Id
 from _v_obj_relation_xdb
select GetTableName.Table_Name AS TableNameWithMaxUsageInDS,
  GetMaxDSlice.ds_id AS DSWithMaxUsagePCT,
  ds_pct AS PCTMaxForDS
from GetMaxDSlice, GetTableId, GetTableName
where GetMaxDSlice.Row_Num=GetTableId.Row_Num
and GetTableId.TBL_ID=GetTableName.obj_id
and GetMaxDSlice.Row_Num=1;

 PREPAID_MSG_SERVICE_USAGE_BKP_0730 |                48 |       49.80

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